News, Updates, & Resources

Leadership Development

Hey there! If you’re like most people, you’ve probably heard the term “leadership development” thrown around quite a bit. But what does it really mean, and why should you even care about it? Well, let me break it down for you.

Why is burnout affecting more leaders?

Why are we seeing burnout affecting more leaders? The last 5 years have seen change at a unprecendended levels. Remember, as a leader, taking care of yourself is not only important for your own well-being, but also for the well-being of those around you. By prioritising self-care and setting boundaries, you can prevent burnout and be a more effective leader in the long run.

Personal and professional development

Equine Assisted Learning is a powerful and effective approach to personal and professional development for people of all ages.

Being a Shit Boss

Being a Shit Boss

Embarrassing I reflect back on when I starting managing staff I was terrible, I was a shit boss.  I had no idea what I was doing. I know I just wanted people to do what I told them just because I said so.  There was no buying into the vision or understanding their...

5 Reasons Why Emotional Intelligence Is a Future Skill

5 Reasons Why Emotional Intelligence Is a Future Skill

According to Ryan Jenkins, Human emotion is one of the most powerful forces on the planet. How is emotional intelligence a future skill. Emotions start wars and create peace; spark love and force a divorce. While unavoidable, emotions are also indispensable sources of...

Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

Emotional Intelligence in the workplace separates high performers from the average employees.  This is something gaining popularity as leaders become aware of the role emotional intelligence plays in the workplace. As employees why does emotional intelligence matter...

The Number 1 Fear is Public Speaking

The Number 1 Fear is Public Speaking

Deer in the Headlights People who make their living researching what frightens people the most have made a pretty amazing discovery. Consistently when people list the top five things they are afraid of in life, they have are some pretty intimidating terrors. But you...

Easy Steps to a Compelling Presentation

Easy Steps to a Compelling Presentation

If you follow these 4 easy steps to a compelling presentation you will be able to go from terror to triumph in no time. Create a Problem and Then Solve It How well your presentation goes the next time you step up to a podium depends on several factors. But one factor...

Becoming Larger Than Life – “Own the room”

Becoming Larger Than Life – “Own the room”

Becoming Larger Than Life To say that there is no ego in a person who does public speaking regularly or for a living would be clearly a false statement. But for those of us who only speak from time to time, when you see a speaker who can walk out in a room of 30...

Why Experiential Learning Works

Why Experiential Learning Works

Experiential Learning Is the Key to Learning Over 100 years ago, a guy called Hermann Ebbinghaus formulated the learning curve.  The learning curve is the is how long your retain information or the relationship between memory and time. Simply put if you retain all the...

Your Beliefs Shape Your Life

Your Beliefs Shape Your Life

Your Beliefs Shape Your Life So You Better Choose Them Wisely. A lot of people think that their beliefs are like clothes. They really don't have much choice in the matter. They just walk up to their closet, pick out what's there, wear it, and move on to the next set...

Bullying, Toxicity in the Workplace

Bullying, Toxicity in the Workplace

As a leader you are in a position of power over others and…“with great power comes great responsibility”. You can choose to use it to build people up or use it to destroy them.  As a leader bullying, toxicity in the workplace becomes your responsibilty.  Leaders need...

Time Marker – Plans, Plans and Disappointments

Time Marker – Plans, Plans and Disappointments

A Time Marker is how we remember and mark the passing of time.  This has shifted for so many of us in 2020.   Was 2020 fast or slow? I really can't say.  I was reflecting with a group of leaders on 2020 and talking about Time Markers.  When I got a lot of puzzled...

5 Minute Guide to Emotional Intelligence

5 Minute Guide to Emotional Intelligence

When it comes to finding success, most people believe that the higher your IQ, the more success you’ll enjoy in life. However, this isn’t always the case. In the last decade, the topic of emotional intelligence has gained popularity and been shown to be a better...

10 Leadership Lessons in the Wizard of Oz

10 Leadership Lessons in the Wizard of Oz

10 Leadership Lessons in the Wizard of Oz There are so many leadership lessons in the Wizard of Oz.  I thought I would share some.  Recently I went to an end of the year competition with my riding club and one of the events is the fancy dress competition.  I went with...

Charisma and Vision a Skill in Leadership

Charisma and Vision a Skill in Leadership

Charisma and Vision The success and failure of the societies and organisations are in the hands of their leaders. How they lead and manage is what makes the fundamental difference. The more charismatic, the more visionary, and the more enthusiastic they are, the...

Working With Horses Improves Wellness

Working With Horses Improves Wellness

Working with my horses improves my own personal wellness.  I have known for a while that horses have something very magical to offer. I often feel so much better after spending time with my horses.  It is hard to articulate the magic.  I can be tired, sick or just...

Leadership, Mothers and Dictators

Leadership, Mothers and Dictators

Leadership, mothers and dictators can you recognise them in your workplace? Life with horses is about self improvement. I was attending a virtual horse expo listening to an incredible horseman recently Tristian Tucker who made a statement about how to create balanced...

Interview We Heart Entrepreneurs

Interview We Heart Entrepreneurs

Article as it appeared in We Heart Entrepreneurs. interview Jannine Jackson founder leading together Leading Together is a perfect place for growing people and organisations. This is because; at Learning Together you will be guided to find your authentic leadership...

Empathy the essential skill

Empathy the essential skill

Empathy the essential skill Working from home means we need to adapt.  It can be great but it also has its challenges.  We need new skill sets that we may not have needed before.   The pandemic has meant we need to do and lead our teams differently.  Learning how to...

Paying compliments in the way you intend

Paying compliments in the way you intend

Paying Compliments in the way you intend You may not know this but giving a compliment requires you to frame your words. Have you had someone who doesn't know how to take a compliment or someone who doesn't know how to receive a genuine compliment? This was a great...

Meaning of Leadership

Meaning of Leadership

Leadership The Real Meaning Have you ever wondered what is the meaning of leadership? You don’t have to look it up in a dictionary. The meaning is in the word itself. If we look closely leadership consist of three words. Leader, lead, ship. A leader is a person who...

Respect for leadership is radically shifting

Respect for leadership is radically shifting

Respect for leadership is radically shifting My experience growing up was children were “to been seen and not heard.”  We were taught to respect our elders. Authority was something to be revered and definitely not questioned. When you are bought up in a house where...

Lessons Learnt From Horses

Books & Publications

emotional intelligence Book

Emotional Intelligence 

How To Develop Emotional Intelligence 

A step by step guide to develop self- awareness, improving your people skills and creating happier relationships

Choose to Lead

Leadership Skills

Choose To Lead

It is possible to develop leadership skills for all aspects of your life. This is a great guide to help you lead all in all areas.

The Influential Leader

Leadership Skills

The Influential Leader

How you can become a leader that influences, inspires and empowers people and your team to take action.